Alien Questionaire This form is to be completed by aliens that might find a copy of "Bang" and wish to add additonal information that they might feel would be beneficial in our understanding of them and the uni- verse. A hardcopy has been provided with the sofware disk in case their technology is too advanced or different to utilize ours. 1. Where do aliens come from? a. another planet b. another dimension c. this planet Please elaborate ___________________________________________ 2. What energy means do you use for travel? a. nuclear energy b. fusion energy c. other Please elaborate ___________________________________________ 3. What is the best description of our species compared to yours? a. primitive b. slightly less developed c. extremely different Please elaborate ___________________________________________ 4. How many universes are there? a. one b. two c. four or more Please elaborate ___________________________________________ 5. How does time relate to the universe? a. differs from dimension to dimension b. does not really exit c. flows in one direction only Please elaborate __________________________________________ 6. Who or what caused the BANG? a. unknown b. another universe c. splitting of a universe or universes Please elaborate _________________________________________ 7. What is the nature of blackholes? a. unknown b. condense into a primeval atoM c. doorways to other dimensions Please elaborate _________________________________________ 8. What interest do you have in this planet? a. energy source b. possible colonization c. purely scientific Please elaborate ________________________________________ 9. What happens when our species dies? a. change into energy b. enter another dimension c. unknown Please elaborate ________________________________________ 10. Why are your visits so limited? a. only able to sustain portals a limited time b. elements in the environment unhealthy c. do not wish to cause panic in our species Please elaborate _______________________________________ Please return completed questionaire to the place where you found it. It will be picked up later. Thanks for your help.